When we picked up Keeper (Addicted to you of Silent Storm)
in December 2021 at Katja’s place in Ochsenhausen, Germany, we met a new bunch
of nice dog-people, who also came to pick up their puppy. And when we came
home, some of us kept in contact through Facebook. Especially Sabine, who has
Keepers sister Mystique, and I, were writing quite a lot together. Our dogs
seemed to be quite similar, and we were in many ways quite alike, both doing
agility, and both not able to run fast, but learning our dogs to work by
We knew,
that Sabine lived in Germany, not so far away as Katja, but around 700 km from
our home. And from Facebook and videos we knew, that she had her own indoor
agility-training-facilities. With that in mind, in January I got the crazy
idea, to visit Sabine, to do some training with our youngsters. I asked her –
and immediately she agreed, that this could be fun. First step was to find a
weekend, were both families were free of other arrangements, but we managed,
and on Friday, the 31st of March, just after I finished work at
12.00, we set the gps to Harsewinkel, Germany, 684 km away. You got to follow
your dreams, and sometimes also your crazy ideas.

Liam was
left with Ilse and Madsen, Blitz and Tough’Y with Rune and Christian, so we
were only us, Keeper, Gimli and Hazel. Car was filled with coffee, fruits,
something to drink and some food, and the trip was relatively smooth. Hamburg
was awfull, but the rest was ok. With only 2 stops, we landed around 20.00 at
Dog Xperten Agility Halle. It was sooooo nice to meet Sabine again, and the big
surprise was, that her friend, also named Sabine (from now on Sabine2) – who we
met when we picked up Keeper, she was also there.
Dogs were
taken out to pee and stretch their legs, and then we went straight to the
agility course. While we were waiting for the ordered pizzas, we let all dogs
do a bit agility, just for fun, to get rid of 8 hours in the car. All dogs were
extremely happy, which also showed in their performances. But the main topic
were just to get some moving around.

We had the
pizza, some wine, and then “within the blink of your eyes” it was very very
late. Sabine2 had picked up our key at the hotel, so we just needed to drive
there, find our room and get settled. Around midnight, we fell asleep in Hotel
Zum Jägerkrug.

morning we got op, took a fast shower, fed the dogs and drove straight to the
arena. Sabine and Sabine2 had made a nice breakfast for us, and we enjoyed the
food and the talking. Both Bent and I improved our German speaking this
weekend. Good thing is, that when you want to understand each other, it goes
much easier. But …….. Sabine had made plans, and a nice course were ready for
us in the arena.

We spent
time until around lunctime training. All dogs. Keeper, Hazel, Gimli, Mystique
and Meira (the MAS von Sabine2). Sabine were the tough trainer, but even
though, we had so much fun. The course was made, so that both the youngsters
and the oldies got some challenges. We had so much fun, and the dogs were soooo

What was
really strange to find out was, that just as Sabine and I have much in common,
our dogs are like 2 drops of water in almost any way. Their skin is a bit
different (Mys is black and Keep is Seal), and Keeper is a bit bigger than
Mystique, but that’s the end of differences. Mentally, working, playing, just
being dogs, they were totally equal. They are both loving all people, they
don’t care about other dogs, except their own pack, and they are both so
lovable. Really strange to see. And funny to see. One sentence said very often
was: oh, this is exactly the same as my dog does. When you have a litter of 7,
there will always be some differences, but those 2 dogs are so alike, that it
was like 2 bits of 1 piece.
afternoon the arena was rented out to a group of obedience-people, so we
cleared the floor from obstacles and drove to a nearby forest to walk the dogs.
Weather was changing all the time, but when we left the cars, at least it was
dry. We let all 5 dogs loose, and they ran around each other like they have
known each other always. It was nice to let the dogs run and to relax in our
heads, but the rain came back, and before we were back in the cars, we were
rather wet. But who cares? Company was the best, so the weather didn’t matter.
On the way
home from the forest, we did some shopping. Nice German snacks for our
easter-meals, and the coolest colored egs. Some “small” pieces of cake …… I
started out ordering 4 pieces, but when I saw the size, I changed it to 2. Very
lovely fruit-cheesecake, to go with the afternoon coffee.

The nice
obedience-people re-build our course before they left, and then it was back to
the training. But you could see, that both dogs and people were tired in their
heads, so we decided not to do so much agility, and instead we spent time
talking and taking pictures with our lovely 2 girlies. It’s funny to know, that
even though agility rules mainly are the same in all FCI-countries, there are a
lot of different rules for going from class 1 and up. And in Germany, when you
are in class 3, you have to make a number of clear rounds every year, to stay
in class 3. If not, then you’re back in class 2. Also the Germans start when
dogs are 18 months, but they start in class 0, which is only jumps and tunnels.
Then you need 3 clear rounds to start in class 1. I’m glad, that we don’t have
those rules in Denmark.

was nice, and accompanied by a glass of red wine (or 2), we all became very
tired, and at 22.00 we were back at the hotel. But poor Gimli were so stressed
by all that agility, that he had to wake up Bent in the middle of the night, as
he needed to get “in the garden”. So poor Bent had to get up, get dressed and
take Gimli out. Luckily, that was all, and today he was ok again.

plans was a new course, including some of the things, we worked with Saturday.
Our dogs were brilliant. I was so proud of, what they did. Both Keeper, Gimli
and Hazel. In that kind of situations I always get really really proud and
humble. I know, that my dogs ability to agility mostly comes from what I learn
them. But it makes me a bit overwhelmed every time. I love my dogs to the moon
and back, and I know, that Bent feel the same way with his dogs.
Then it was
time for a quick cup of coffee and the not very nice good-bye. I hate that
part. But tomorrow it’s back to work, so we packed the car, gave the dogs the
last small walk, and set the gps on “home”. Till now (middle of Fyn) trip went
smooth and nice.
Now, I’m
just grateful. And I owe a lot of thanks to some very special people. First of
all to Katja, who sole me Keeper. You are actually the reason, why I met Sabine
(und Sabine2). This is really the happy output of, what dogs can do to you.

Then I owe
a lot of thanks to Ilse & Madsen and Rune & Christian for taking care
of Liam, Blitz and Tough’Y. That made our trip very much easier. We miss them
now, but thanks for taking good care of our dogs.
Then there
is Sabine2. You made a lot to ensure, that our stay was nice. Thanks for that,
and thank you for picking up our key-card.
And Bent.
Thanks for supporting my crazy ideas and joining me on this trip. I know, that
you have had a good time too, but thanks for doing this. I love you.

Last – I want
to thank Sabine. You and I, we have something in common. I love your smile and your
laughter. I love your positive way of living life, doing what you find best:
agility. We have had so much fun this weekend, talking, laughing, doing
agility. We sure will come back again. And I love, that our 2 dogs brought us
together. Thanks for you, being who you are.